
Robinson E, Titov N, Andrews G, McIntyre K, Schwencke G, Solley K. Internet Treatment for generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial comparing clinician vs technician assistance. PLoS One. 2010, 5(6): e10942

Titov N, Andrews G, Kemp A, Robinson E: Characteristics of adults with anxiety or depression treated at an internet clinic: comparison with a national survey and an outpatient clinic. PLoS One. 2010, 5)5): e10885

Titov, N, Andrews, G, Robinson, E, Schwencke, G, Johnston, L, Solley, K, Choi, I (2009). Clinician assisted internet treatment is effective for generalised anxiety disorder: A randomised control trial. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 43(10; 905-912.

Titov, N., Schwencke, G., Solley, K, Johnston, L., Robinson, E. (2009). A RCT comparing two types of support on severity of symptoms completing internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for social phobia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (in press). 

Boyle FM, Robinson E, Heinrich, P, Dunn SM (2004). CANCER – Communicating in the Team Game. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery: 74; 477-481.

Boyle, FM, Robinson E, Dunn SM, Heinrich, PC. (2005) Multidisciplinary Care in Cancer. The Fellowship of the Ring.  Journal of Clinical Oncology. 23(4):916-20.

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Robinson, E, Titov, N, Andrews, G, Schwencke, G, Johnston, L & Solley, K. Clinician-guided vs self-guided internet treatment for generalised anxiety disorder. Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research Annual Conference, Canberra, December, 2009.

 Robinson E, Titov N, Andrews G, Johnston L, Solley K, Schwencke G, Choi I. An Internet-Based Treatment Program for GAD. Results of a pilot study.  Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 32nd Annual Conference, Perth, September, 2009.

Titov, N. Robinson E, Andrews G, Johnston L, Solley K, Schwencke G, Choi I. An Introduction to the Virtualclinic. Australian Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Annual Conference, Perth, September, 2009.

Robinson E, Rapee, R. Psychological Traits and Attitudes and Willingness to Undergo Appearance Enhancing Procedures. British Psychological Society, Clinical College Annual Conference. London, UK, December, 2007. 

Robinson E, Rapee, R. The Good Looking Advantages Measure (GLAM): Development and Psychometric Properties. Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia. September, 2007.

Robinson E, Boyle F, Dunn S, Heinrich, P. Multidisciplinary Communication in Breast Cancer Teams. Proc Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA), 2003.

Boyle FM, Robinson E, Heinrich P, Dunn SM. Barriers to Communicating in Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Teams. Proc American. Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 23, 2004

Friedsam J, O’Reilly A, Robinson E. Communicating with Kids About Cancer. Proc Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA), 2004.